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Spring Lawn Care

Spring Lawn Care Spring Lawn Care

Your lawn has come out of its dormant winter period and as the soil temperatures start to rise your lawn will begin to grow. Spring is therefore an important time to start your lawn care regime. Grass is a living product and a well maintained lawn will provide you with satisfaction. 


Don’t be tempted to mow your lawn too early or when the ground conditions are very wet or frosty. Ensure that your mower blades are sharp and are set high so as to take no more than a third off the length of the plant.


As the lawn begins to grow it will require nutrients, which are essential to its growth.  We recommend feeding your lawn using Teal Turf fertiliser every 6 weeks during the growing season.


Spring is a good time to repair any sparse or thinner patches on your lawn which may have occurred during the winter period. Teal Turf recommends our Sterling Lawn seed is lightly raked into the area. Badly damaged or sunken areas may need topsoil to raise levels and provide a new seed bed.

Treatment of Weeds

Weeds can be treated effectively by using either a selective weed killer from a reputable Garden Centre or by removing them by hand. It is important to remove the entire root as many weeds can quickly re-grow from the smallest piece of root left in the ground.

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